Our Future

As I watch our forty-fourth president recite his farewell speech, I can see a whole new future with our president-elect. In my vision, it’s gonna be tough compared to what we have. Seeing President Obama leave gives me fear and anger as to what will become.

As a woman, I fear for my rights being taken away from a man who spews out hate and tweets more than a tween girl who discovered the internet. This man, this hateful reality tv host, became greedy after he got bored with what he got. A man who uses one dollar bills as toilet paper and has a gross orange tan with hair that looks like a dead animal. Seeing him makes me think of the high-class people from the Hunger Games trilogy.

We had a president who was respectful, kind, and filled with hopes of the people who looked at him for change. This man made a difference in our country. He got the man responsible for nine eleven, gave marriage equality homosexual couple who were continuingly denied to marry, and was able to make unemployment rates at all time low. This man, who I believe, was a great president.

I realize my future, our future, America’s future have to fight to keep our rights. Those of us who are against the president-elect’s ideas and his chairman, those of us who weren’t worried about what will happen until Donald J. Trump got elected president. Every single one of us has to fight to protect our rights from this monster.

I know calling Trump a monster is a bit dramatic I know but that’s what he is. A hate spewing, irrational, sex fiend monster is what he is. I will never ever see that abomination as my president. Not ever. I will fight him with every fiber of my being if I ever have to. I will round up my allies and we will fight against him until our cries are heard and keep the rights we earned! I will win!

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