
All my life I’ve always been scared of taking chances, especially when it came to me having a crush on somebody. When it came to the people I have had a crush on when I was younger, it was good that I didn’t end up dating them. Then again I was in elementary school and I was just starting to figure out myself. At that time though I began putting up my emotional wall.

Before I put up my wall, I was adventurous and I was a happy-go-lucky little girl. When I had a crush, I was always shy and to this day I still am but that’s beside the point. I started having butterflies for a certain someone I’d refer my best friend at that time if they could ask my crush if they liked me. That’s where it began with the breaking down of my self-confidence.

As I watched my best friend and my crush at the time, I was getting nervous and hoped my crush liked me back and we’d run off into the sunset together. Well, it didn’t really go that way. What hurt more than my crush not liking me back was that my crush did not only say no but he said “Ew no!”.

I started feeling a bit more self-conscious and one brick for my emotional wall was formed. I cried for a small time and thought little of myself. Then I began to develop another crush on another boy in my time at my elementary school. I thought maybe he was different and he seemed nicer and I was wrong. Basic same reaction and it was at the lunch table and all the kids at the table laughed.

Then began the bullying up til middle school but that’s another time but my point is I never liked the thought of taking a chance. I was always scared of getting hurt because in my past taking a chance led me to nothing but heartache. As a matter of fact, I actually think I missed my when I was in high school and to this day I think of what-could-have-been.

The only positive thing from the present is that my emotional wall is crumbling down. Emphasis on the word slowly but it is still something I need to do on my own. My wall will eventually come down and maybe someday I’ll be able to be more confident. Maybe even achieve this one thing that may appear small to others but is big to me. Something as simple as telling a crush I like them.

The Devil: Evil or Not Evil

As the title goes my topic today is talking about the archangel Lucifer a.k.a The Devil. I’ve been thinking about this biblical being today and I remembered how some people theorized that Lucifer may have been a sort of anti-hero type: Good but not good and evil but not too evil.

Maybe Lucifer just rebelling against his father and God’s punishment may have been too harsh. I mean this was his son, his favorite son even though God really wasn’t supposed to have favorites. I believe God was a bit too wrathful and punished the arch-angel to Hell. I’m not dissing God or anything but maybe as a parent, he probably was too rough with the punishment.

I know this may sound blasphemous but hear me out on this because this only a theory and I’m curious if Lucifer or Satan if you will, wasn’t entirely bad after all. Trust me I’m not hating on God or worshiping the Devil but think about it. Maybe Lucifer was just a unique archangel and didn’t want to listen what his Father told him. Perhaps Lucifer is angry at God for sending him to Hell and God feels guilty for doing it.

I feel their relationship is a very complicated one and I also feel that Lucifer wants to go back to Heaven but he also likes not being able to follow God’s rules and is able to have a form of free will. But to me, a part of God wants Lucifer to return to Heaven as well but he has given Lucifer a duty to rule over the damned souls of Hell.

I mean I’m sure this complicated Father-Son relationship rules over every form of a strained Parent-Child relationship. I mean these are two very powerful beings that can do both great harm and great good. God can bless and strike people however he chooses and Lucifer loves to punish those who have sinned.

In a way, Lucifer is this type of being that loves the fact that he can do however he wants and he feeds off that. I think he feeds off the damned souls that he punishes because it’s a form of justice in a way. Justice that wasn’t able to be brought to the souls that have sinned. I feel the angel side of Lucifer enjoys being able to punish the souls that wronged greatly in the eyes of God. Then the demonic side of Lucifer enjoys punishing them any way he sees fit, and I mean anything.

But what do you think about Lucifer a.k.a Satan? Do you think he is a pure evil entity or is an anti-hero type being? You decide.

Truth About Feminism

Feminism. When someone says the word some people think women who don’t shave, shave their heads, they’re lesbians or hate men. To tell you the truth, feminism is none of those things. Feminism is about women being equal to men, a balance if you will.

There are people out there that hate feminists when they either they don’t have all the facts about feminism or have met the feminist that represents feminism poorly. There are even women who don’t like feminism! For that, I don’t understand how a woman can not like feminism.

It is because of feminism that women are able to vote, don’t have to stay home and raise children, and are able to have choices/opinions. It’s because of feminism women have a voice. I myself am a proud feminist and I’m always surprised when I hear a woman say they’re not a feminist or don’t like feminism.

My point is feminism is a belief that women should be equal to men, not women are greater than men. For example, if a woman is charged the same crime as a man they should have the same punishment. A woman should not be given a lesser sentence because she’s a woman. Another prime example of what feminists want is if there is a custody dispute, a woman should be able to pay child support if she is not seen fit as a parent.

Another truth about feminism, we support men too. We support men that have been raped by a man or a woman. We support men that should receive custody of their children. We support men in more ways than one. Shocking I know but bear with me here.

Women should be treated equal to men and have the same opportunities as men, it would be a balance between the sexes. Feminism would not overthrow the balance it would make it more steady.

I know there are feminists out there that make feminism look bad. But let me tell you, they don’t represent true feminism. The ones that hate men of all kinds, even transgendered women. Those women poorly represent feminism and it makes me mad that those women make feminism look bad. I can’t excuse their behavior but I just want to say don’t let them make you misjudge what feminism is.

Just read my facts and understand the truth of feminism. I hope I have educated you what true feminism is. I’m sure I have made some pretty good points in this little blog post. I hope you are well and have a good day.

Our Future

As I watch our forty-fourth president recite his farewell speech, I can see a whole new future with our president-elect. In my vision, it’s gonna be tough compared to what we have. Seeing President Obama leave gives me fear and anger as to what will become.

As a woman, I fear for my rights being taken away from a man who spews out hate and tweets more than a tween girl who discovered the internet. This man, this hateful reality tv host, became greedy after he got bored with what he got. A man who uses one dollar bills as toilet paper and has a gross orange tan with hair that looks like a dead animal. Seeing him makes me think of the high-class people from the Hunger Games trilogy.

We had a president who was respectful, kind, and filled with hopes of the people who looked at him for change. This man made a difference in our country. He got the man responsible for nine eleven, gave marriage equality homosexual couple who were continuingly denied to marry, and was able to make unemployment rates at all time low. This man, who I believe, was a great president.

I realize my future, our future, America’s future have to fight to keep our rights. Those of us who are against the president-elect’s ideas and his chairman, those of us who weren’t worried about what will happen until Donald J. Trump got elected president. Every single one of us has to fight to protect our rights from this monster.

I know calling Trump a monster is a bit dramatic I know but that’s what he is. A hate spewing, irrational, sex fiend monster is what he is. I will never ever see that abomination as my president. Not ever. I will fight him with every fiber of my being if I ever have to. I will round up my allies and we will fight against him until our cries are heard and keep the rights we earned! I will win!

Body Issues

Body issues. Everybody has them at some point in their lives. It’s concerning because it can lead to physical or mental problems.

People can have depression or eating disorders cause they’re ashamed of their body type. I know people with body issues and I myself can feel self conscious with my body. You can have the “perfect body” but still feel self conscious.

It doesn’t matter what body type you have there is always going to be a little voice in the back of your head that says “You have an ugly body” or “Look at that fat!”. It’s sad that we put so much pressure on our selves to achieve a body that people would like. We are our worst critic.

To those who are having body issues you need to know that the only person you need to impress is yourself. Don’t change for anybody! Go eat that last piece of cake or run that extra mile if you want to!

From the words of a fabulous being, “If you don’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?”